Transaction Event Object
Transaction Event Object
Object Properties
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier for the transaction. |
object | string | Value: "transaction" |
customer | string | Array containing customer information associated with the transaction |
account | string | Array containing payment account information associated with the transaction. |
tranType | string | Value: "ach" |
recordType | string | Possible values:
authType | string | Values:
surcharge | string | Any surcharge that was included with the transaction amount |
amount | string | Total amount of the transaction |
checkNumber | string | |
checkDate | YYYY-MM-DD | |
tranDate | YYYY-MM-DD | Process date of the transaction |
notes | string | Internal notes associated with the transaction |
memo | string | Memo text visible on customer receipt |
poNumber | string | |
referenceId | string | Reference ID provided by the merchant |
status | string | Status code. For errors see Status Code Error Definitions |
statusDescription | string | Expanded verbiage detailing the transactions status |
dateCreated | int | Unix timestamp of when the transaction was initially created |
loginId | string | Login ID of the user that created the transaction |
Status Code Error Definitions
Code | Description |
E00 | An error has occurred while trying to process this transaction. |
E01 | Number of transactions exceeds daily velocity limit |
E02 | Total transaction volume exceeds daily velocity limit |
E03 | Amount exceeds single transaction velocity limit |
E04 | The account information provided is invalid. |
E05 | This transaction is a duplicate of a previously run transaction. |
E06 | Transaction volume exceeds period velocity limit. |
E07 | Importing |
E08 | Credit pending hold |
E09 | Sent to Bank |
E10 | Failed Routing CRC |
E11 | Invalid Fed ACH |
E12 | Invalid Account Number |
E13 | Invalid SEC Code |
E14 | Invalid Tran Code |
E15 | Invalid Account Type |
E16 | Invalid Date |
E17 | Missing First or Last Name |
E18 | Missing Address Information |
E19 | Invalid Dollar Amount |
E20 | Fail Missing check number for BOC |
E21 | Fail Duplicate BOC |
E22 | Invalid Client / Store ID |
E23 | Duplicate Transaction ID |
E24 | Invalid Web Type |
E25 | Fail Unable to find original debit |
E26 | Invalid Last name |
E27 | Invalid dollar amount |
E28 | Unauthorized SEC type |
E29 | Invalid Original SEC Code for RCK |
E30 | Failed PPD conversion |
E31 | Client is Disabled |
E32 | Fail Invalid Store ID |
E33 | Fail Exceeds Max Check Amount |
E34 | Failed Final Validation |
E35 | Location uploads disabled |
E36 | ICL Credits not allowed |
E37 | Missing Micr for ICL |
E38 | Missing Image field for ICL |
E39 | Missing Image for ICL |
E40 | Corresponding debit returned |
E41 | Cybr Weekly Payout Account |
E42 | Fail Exceeds Max Check Amount |
E43 | Exceeds Max Daily Amount |
E44 | Credits not authorized. |
E45 | Transaction previously returned unauthorized |
E46 | Duplicate ICL Image |
E47 | Failed white list check |
Transaction Event Object
{ "id": 20317473, "object": "transaction", "customer":{ "id": 6085434, "custRef": "18261", "name": "test account" }, "account":{ "id": 6995546, "type": "bank", "accountNumber": "xx-5859", "referenceId": "tok_f0d9e0c1bfe041f298ee83eb0430092b" }, "tranType": "ach", "recordType": "debit", "authType": "WEB", "surcharge": "0.00" ,"amount": "33.11", "checkNumber": "", "checkDate": "", "tranDate": "2019-06-27", "notes": "", "memo": "", "poNumber": "", "referenceId": "23214760", "status": "E43", "statusDescription": "Exceeds Max Daily Amount", "dateCreated": "1561626270", "loginId": "gateway" }