Transactions History
The transactions history resource returns a collection of transactions that have been processed along with their current status and other relevant information. Transactions that are currently scheduled but have not yet been processed can be found in the Pending Transactions resource.
End-point | Method | Description |
/api/transactions-history | GET | Returns a collection of transactions that have been processed |
/api/transactions-history/{id} | GET | Return a specific transaction based on the transaction ID |
All API endpoints require an authentication header to be included with the request. See API Authentication
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | int or Array Filter | OmniFund assigned Transaction ID | # filter based on a single id
GET /api/transactions-history?id=231432546
# filter based on multiple ids
GET /api/transactions-history?id[]=231432546&id[]=231432546 |
customer | int or Array Filter | OmniFund assigned Customer ID | # filter based on a single customer
GET /api/transactions-history?customer=231432546
# filter based on multiple customers
GET /api/transactions-history?customer[]=3245345&customer[]=21176543 |
amount | float or Array Filter | Amount of the transaction | # filter based on a single amount
GET /api/transactions-history?amount=1.25
# filter based on multiple amounts
GET /api/transactions-history?amount[]=1.25&amount[]=25.33 |
referenceId | string or Array Filter | Merchant provided transaction reference ID |
tranDate | Effective date the transaction is schedule to be processed on. Dates are displayed in and accept Unix format. |
Transaction History collection items also support pagination. For more information on pagination see Paginating Collection Results.
Response Fields
Field | Description |
amount | Total mount of the transaction |
customer | Customer data object |
id | OmniFund assigned transaction ID |
loginID | ID of the user that created the transaction |
memo | Memo attached to the transaction. This value is included on the customer facing emails and receipts |
notes | Internal notes attached to the transaction. This value is only visible to the merchant |
occurrence |
occurrence_remaining | Number of occurrences remaining. Only applicable for recurring transactions |
poNumber | PO Number assigned to the transaction by the merchant |
recordType | For card transactions
For ach transactions
For POS transactions
referenceId | Merchant assigned reference ID |
surcharge | Surcharge amount that was included in the total amount |
tranDate | Unix timestamp effective date of the transaction |
tranStatus |
tranType |