

Merchant ID & PIN **DEPRECATED**

This legacy method of authorization involves submitting the Merchant ID and PIN via the API specific fields.  Currently supported by:

For instructions on obtaining this credential set see:  Generating a Merchant Gateway Pin **DEPRECATED**

API Access Key Pair

A more flexible approach to API credential management,  this method allows control over multiple sets of API access keys with the ability to manage them independently.  For APIs that support the use of access keys, this is the suggested method of authentication.  Currently supported by:

For instructions on obtaining this credential set see: Managing API Access Keys

OAuth2 Clients

Some API access requests will require OAuth2 to allow users to send requests under their individual employee user within OmniFund.   This can be accomplished by setting up a new OAuth2 Client ID and secret and then generating an access token for the employee.  For more information see:  Managing OAuth clients.