

Events are designed as a way to track changes to individual resources throughout the OmniFund application. Resources can be thought of as the different type of objects/records that are created/updated/deleted within the app. Some examples of a resource would be: Transaction, Customer, PaymentAccount, or Invoice. Each one of this may have one or more events happen to it during its lifetime.

/api/eventsGETReturn a collection of events.  
/api/events/{id}GETReturn a single event by its ID.

API Authentication

All API end-points require an authentication header to included with the request.  See API Authentication

The Event Object

idstringUnique identifier for the event.
ownerstringAccount owner of the resource
resourcestringIdentifier for the application resource that the event applies to
locationstringLocation where the event was initiated
typestringType of event
eventDataobjectObject containing the information associated with the resource.
createdAtintTime at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. UTC
The Event Object
	"id": "025a161c5863e5645e8e997a4",
    "owner": "merch_123456",
    "resource": "cust_5c991e6774567",
    "source": "test-user",
    "location": "dashboard",
    "type": "customer.updated",
    "createdAt": 1553538663,
    "eventData": {
		"object": {
			"id": "5c991e6774567",
            "object": "customer",
            "customerRef": "123-7784",
            "displayName": "Test Customer",
            "company": "",
            "firstName": "Test",
            "lastName": "Customer",
            "displayAs": "contact",
            "address1": "123 main st.",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "Somewhere",
            "state": "CO",
            "zip": "12345",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "1-555-123-34567",
            "phoneExt": "",
            "email": "test-customer@omnifund.com",
            "dateAdded": "2019-03-25",
            "notes": "",
            "active": "1"
        "previousAttributes": {
        	"phone": ""

List All Events

typestringName of the event type to filter by.  Optionally, multiple events can be filtered by using type[]
# filter based on a single event type
GET /api/events?type=customer.updated

# filter based on multiple event types
GET /api/events?type[]=customer.created&type[]=customer.updated

Unix timestamp to filter based on the createdAt Event field.   The value can be a string with an integer timestamp, or it can be a represented with the following options:

  • createdAt[between]
    Filter events between two timestamps
  • createdAt[gt]
    Filter events greater than a timestamp
  • createdAt[gte]
    Filter events greater than or equal to a timestamp
  • createdAt[lt]
    Filter events less than a timestamp
  • createdAt[lte]
    Filter events less than or equal to a timestamp
# filter based on a single timestamp
GET /api/events?createdAt=1553538663

# filter events between two timestamps
GET /api/events?createdAt[between]=1553538663..1553638663

# filter events greater than or equal to a timestamp
GET /api/events?createdAt[gte]=1553538663

Retrieve an Event

Retrieves the details of a single event based on the supplied unique identifier.

idstringRequired.  The event identifier to be retrieved.
# retrieve event
GET /api/events/f4244e2e8b29426b9c490597f21e6b51

Event Types

EventDescriptionEvent Objects

Details an event involving the auto-update of a payment account based on information received from the processing bank.

transaction.ach_process_errorACH process error events triggered when ACH transactions are declined by the processor.See: Transaction Event Object

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