Release Notes

Release Notes

This page highlights significant updates, new features, and improvements to the OmniFund platform. Stay informed about the latest changes designed to enhance your experience, improve functionality, and address key issues.

Latest Changes


  • (NEW) Add support for Pre Auth and AVS Only transaction types to Passport Payments. Pre Auth transactions allow for capture at a specified dollar amount, while AVS Only transactions validate payment information without processing a charge.


  • (IMPROVED) Merchants can now access existing Passport payment requests from the top menu on their merchant dashboard.

  • (FIXED) iFrame Checkout: Incorrect CVV Code validation will now trigger a visible message and error elements around the CVV code input field.


  • (IMPROVED) Blind Refund Credit Card transactions now have extra permission protection. Merchants can enable an extra layer of permission upon support desk request.

  • (FIXED) Magtek Swipers newer models are now supported and fully compatible on our Virtual Terminal page.

Previous Changes