Import file specifications

Import file specifications

Data Import

The Import API defines the file specifications that may be used to upload customer data to the GoToBilling application. Imports are broken up into comma delimited fields, and may be uploaded using the Import feature located in the Resources section.

The first row of the import file MUST contain the headers that specify the type of information given in that field. All records must follow the same template given in the header row.

Any mix of information is supposed.

Data Types Conventions

aAlpha characters [a-z, A-Z]
nNumeric digits [0-9]
sSpecial characters [-_:@&+#$/’=~^]

NOTE: Header Fields (must be used for the first row). Field order is not important.

Whether including customer or transaction data, the Account ID field MUST be present.

Please be sure that routing and account numbers have retained any leading zeros before uploading an import file.

File Import Fields

Customer Information

FieldRequiredMax LengthDescription
Account IDRequiredan 64Set by the Merchant. Unique ID associated with the customer. MUST BE UNIQUE FOR EACH CUSTOMER
CompanyConditionalan 32The company associated with the billing address. Either first name & last name, or company name must be given.
First NameConditionalan 32The first name of the customer associated with the billing address. Either first name & last name, or company name must be given.
Last NameConditionalan 32The last name of the customer associated with the billing address. Either first name & last name, or company name must be given.
Display AsOptional'company' or 'contact'Sets the display name of the customer account to either the company or contact name
Address 1Optionalan 32The address associated with the billing address
Address 2Optionalan 32Continuation address associated with the billing address
CityOptionala 40The city associated with the billing address
StateOptionala 2The state associated with the billing address. The state is formatted using the two letter post abbreviation. Example: FL
Zip CodeOptionalns 5The five (5) digit zip code associated with the billing address
Phone NumberOptionaln 10The phone number of the customer associated with the billing address. Does not contain any dashes – ex. 2223334444
EmailOptionalans 50The email of the customer associated with the billing address.

Payment Account Information

FieldRequiredMax LengthDescription
Bank NameFor ACH transactions: Optionalan 32The name of the bank the customer’s account is located under.
Bank Routing #For ACH transactions: Requiredn 9Routing number of the bank associated with the customers bank account
Bank Account #For ACH transactions: Requiredan 20Routing number of the bank associated with the customers bank account
Bank Account TypeFor ACH transactions: Optionala 2Personal Accounts
  • PC – Personal Checking
  • PS – Personal Savings

Business Accounts

  • BC – Business Checking
  • BS – Business Savings
Credit Card TypeFor CC transactions: Optionala 2Card Types:
  • VS – Visa
  • MC – MasterCard
  • AX – Amex
  • DC – Discover
Name on CardFor CC transactions: Optionala 32Contains the name located on the credit card
Credit Card NumberFor CC transactions: Requiredn 22Contains the credit card number
ExpirationFor CC transactions: Requiredn 4Contains the expiration date for the credit card. Format: MMYY
Card CVVFor CC transactions: Optionaln 4Three or Four digit validation number for the credit card

Additional Information

FieldRequiredMax LengthDescription
NotesOptionalans 255Merchant notes for the customer.
Owed AmountOptionaln 10Used for scanned transactions. This amount will be displayed automatically when a check or credit card is scanned matching the customers account. If no decimal is given two (2) decimal places are assumed (1.00 = 100).

Transaction Information

FieldRequiredMax LengthDescription
AmountRequired for transactionsn 10The amount of the transaction. Decimal must be included.
TypeRequireda 10Specifies the transaction type.

Valid Types:

  • ACH
  • Credit Card
AuthorizationRequired for ACH transactionsa 10Specifies the form of authorization obtained to debit/credit the customers ACH account. Default is Written.

Valid Types:

  • Written
  • Tel
  • Web
RecordRequireda 10Specifies the record type. Default is Debit/Sale.

ACH Valid Types:

  • Debit
  • Credit

Credit Card Valid Types:

  • Sale
  • Refund
OccurrenceOptionala 10Specifies the occurrence type. Default is Single.

Valid Occurrences:

  • Single
  • Weekly
  • Bi-Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Semi-Annual
  • Annual
Occurrence NumberOptionaln 4Specifies the number of occurrences a particular transaction will have. Default is blank (indefinite).
Transaction DateOptionalan 10Process date for the transaction. If none is given defaults to today’s date. Format: MM/DD/YY
Transaction MemoOptionalans 250Note that pertains to the transaction and is emailed to the customer with the transaction confirmation.
Transaction NoteOptionalans 250Note that pertains to the transaction and stays internal in gotoBilling
Transaction IDOptionaln 10Unique Transaction ID provided in file by merchant that will carry through to GTB reports and file exports.
PO NumberOptionaln 25Contains the purchase order number.
PresentmentOptionaln 25Only used for RCK transactions. Indicates the presentment number for the check being submitted.


Account ID, Company, First Name, Last Name, Address 1, City, State, Zip Code, Phone Number, Email, Bank Routing #, Bank Account #
12345,Test company,Test,Account,123 Main St.,Somewhere,US,36079,3345558562,test@tester.com,123123123,0029157

Notes: Use “text fields” if working in MS Excel so the leading zero is not dropped from Bank Routing and Account numbers.

If submitting multiple bank or credit card accounts for one customer, use different Account IDs for each. The 2nd set of account information will overwrite the 1st in the same file.