Versions Compared


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Table of Contents



client_idRequiredGenerated Client ID
access_tokenRequiredUser access token

Merchant ID and PIN **DEPRECATED**

For more information on obtaining your PIN, see: Generating a Merchant Gateway Pin

merchant_idRequiredMerchant ID assigned by gotoBilling
merchant_pinRequiredMerchant Pin associated with the Merchant ID. Assigned by gotoBilling

Optional Fields

FieldRequiredMax LengthDescription
x_relay_urlOptionalan. ..Contains the URL to which the gateway will post the response. Include http:// or https://. When set the gateway response will automatically be sent via HTTP POST to this location.
x_relay_typeOptionala. 7Indicates the type of action of the response. When ACTIVE is set the browser will automatically be sent to the location specified with x_relay_url. When PASSIVE is set the browser will not be redirected, but the response will be sent to the location specified with x_relay_url via HTTP POST. This is set to default to PASSIVE


Optionaln. 1When set to 1 (numerical one) transactions will be sent in test mode. A response will be given for the transaction, but no processing will occur. Default: 0 (zero).
x_versionOptionalns 3DEFAULT: 1.1  (When this value is set to 1.2, the transaction Gateway Response will be returned in JSON format, rather than XML format)


FieldRequiredMax LengthDescription
x_cc_typeFor cc transactions: Optionala 2Card Types:
  • VS – Visa
  • MC – MasterCard
  • AX – Amex
  • DC – Discover
x_cc_nameOptionala 32Contains the name located on the credit card
x_cc_numberConditionaln 22Contains the credit card number.

Can send the x_payment_token_id to reference an existing Credit card on file.

x_cc_expConditionaln 4Contains the expiration date for the credit

card. Format: MMYY Can send the x_payment_token_id to reference an existing Credit card on file

x_cc_cvvOptionaln 4Three or Four digit validation number for the credit card
x_ticket_idConditionaln 32Ticket ID of a transaction previously approved by the gateway. This is required for the following transaction types: DS (capture), CR (refund), VO (void)
x_authorizationConditionaln 32Authorization code of a transaction previously authorized by the gateway. This is required for the following transaction types: OF (offline force)
x_trackdataOptionaln 4Combined Track1 and Track2 data from credit card POS device.

Example Requests




x_tokenOptionalans ..A valid 3DS (3D Secure) payment token, issued by a trusted provider offering payment tokenization, must be presented in this field. The x_token field value must be included along with the other conditionally required fields for Credit Card type transactions (x_cc_number, x_cc_exp and x_cc_cvv).

Example Requests



Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

merchant_id = "123456"
merchant_pin' = "gatewayPin"
x_transaction_type = "ES"
x_customer_id = "27500000001"
x_first_name = "Test"
x_last_name = "Account"
x_zip = "55555"
x_amount = "36.00"
x_cc_number = "4111111111111111"
x_cc_name = "Ester Tester"
x_cc_exp = "1215"





1 Verification Information

Level 2 verification will return some 1 ACH verification compares the given account information against a neg file database. Results for accounts that do not contain any negative data will return an AUTH NUM indicating that no negative events have been recorded for the account. Additional info will be passed in the <description> field.

Additional Info

History of IneligibleAccount does have a reported history and there is known transaction history on the account.
Routing Number is InvalidInvalid bank routing number
History of UnauthorizedAccount does not have a reported history or returns for Account Closed, Invalid Account, No account found, or Unable to locate, the routing number and account format are verified and there is no known transactional history on the account.

Wrong Account Structure

The account identified as suspicious format
Not populatedAccount does not have a reported history or returns for Account Closed, Invalid Account, No account found, or Unable to locate, the routing number and account format are verified, and there is known transactional history on the account.

Format Accept


Example Accept
AUTH NUM 6847027C

Format Warning/Reject


Example Warning/Reject


Debug and Test ACH Information

decisionvaluebank namerouting numberaccount number
ACCEPTValid (AUTH NUM)Bank of America05320098311101010
WARNINGHistory of IneligibleBank of America22607803613590100098321
WARNINGRouting Number is InvalidBank of America05320098311101012
DECLINEHistory of UnauthorizedBank of America22607803613590100098319

Wrong Account Structure

Bank of America05320098311101015

Level 2 Verification Information

Level 2 verification will return some additional information with the verification AUTHNUMAUTH NUM. This additional info will be passed with the AUTHHUM AUTH NUM in the <description> field with a pip ("|") delimiter.

Additional Info

Non-Participating: Negative InformationThis customer's bank does not participate in the Bank ACH Verification system. However, the normal negative database has negative information (returned checks) that are in the system.
ACH UnavailableThis merchant's bank account is not able to be debited via the ACH system.
Non-Participating: No InfoThis customer's bank does not participate in the Bank ACH Verification system and the customer's bank account has not been seen in the negative database system.
Account Closed or Neg StatusThe customer's bank participates in the Bank ACH Verification system and is reporting this account as Closed or in a state that will result in the ACH transaction being returned.
Account GoodThe customer's bank participates in the Bank ACH verification system and is reporting this account as open and in good standing.




AUTH NUM 53793041|Non-Participating: No Info
